Ful Name: Gary Glacius
Personality: Funfilled, (Sometimes) Harsh, Innocent, Hyperactive, Intelligent, Optimistic, (a little) Childish, Solidary
Age: 22 years old
Best Friends (Perfect Compatibility): Sir Hyper Wing, Grant (Somewhat), Kenji, Fried Egg, Jikan, Morning Forest, Cyrax, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Gilda, Gabby
Worst Friends (Enemies): <<Coming Soon>>
House: Griffonstone (formerly), Unknown
Abilities: Flight, Snow Camouflage, Quick Planning, Intelligence, Sense of Taste, Keen Eye, Strong Vice
Favorite Character (real or ficticional): Jack Frost from Rise Of The Guardians
Likes: Milkshakes, Ice Cream, Snow, Playing Pranks, Cold Weather, Rock Music, Penguins, Christmas
Dislikes: Global Warming, Chilli Peppers, Heat Weather, Grant’s lack of humor, Gilda’s Bad Temper, Bad Movies