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safe2260981 artist:mkogwheel1154 apple bloom64423 applejack212474 big macintosh35631 bright mac1798 grand pear348 granny smith6220 pear butter4107 earth pony630910 pony1927146 apple family695 apple siblings467 apple sisters873 applejack's parents328 both cutie marks14245 brother and sister6946 cheers70 cider3146 clothes669989 crying56937 cutie mark62421 days gone by17 father and child5183 father and daughter4090 father and son1391 father and son-in-law20 female1712844 food104003 grandfather and grandchild154 grandfather and granddaughter71 grandfather and grandson49 grandmother and grandchild354 grandmother and granddaughter148 grandmother and grandson101 intertwined trees226 it's a pony kind of christmas52 laughing11357 libation4 male514967 mother and child12138 mother and daughter8371 mother and daughter-in-law62 mother and son4151 mug6442 parent and child15891 scarf32572 siblings26276 sisters21559 tankard307 the cmc's cutie marks4902 winter6411


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