After a particularly nasty fight Trixie seeks the comfort of the Pie Family rock farm. Particularly with her ex, Maud Pie.
To Arias dismay the frequency to which Trixie visits the Pies is alarming. Knowing well how close Trixie was with Maud she often has great bouts of jealousy when Trixies goes to visit. After Harmonys birth the frequency of their arguments only grew, and consequently so did Trixies visits to the farm, as well as Arias anger.
Here she collects her thoughts and thinks about whether or not she made the right choice in marrying Aria. With her gem in hand she thinks long and hard as she waits of a certain somepony to come home that evening.
A piece in a series I plan to do for my little family. The next will most likely be Aria followed by Harmony. Trying to add some scenes to my backgrounds. I’m sorry Trixies face is tired.