Rainbow Dash: Pentium Extreme Edition - Together, they can be EXTREMELY AWESOME!!
Rarity: Xeon Gold - It may not be a jewel, but still fabulous.
Applejack: i386 - If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! (or alternately) The old fashion way is sometimes the best way of doing things.
Fluttershy: Original Pentium - It may run slower than it’s extreme counterpart, but still gets the job done. If, you know, it’s okay with the user….
Twilight Sparkle: Core i5 - As a unicorn, she was probably a Pentium 4 or a core i3. Now that she has matured into an alicorn, it’s safe to give her an upgrade to the core i5 status.
Starlight Glimmer: Core i7 - Despite her not being an alicorn, she has some knoledge that might surpass Twilight’s, bumping her up the Core i7 spot. Sorry Twilight.
Spike: Pentium D - The “D” stands for dragon. That, and the processor is known for being extremely hot, much like a dragon’s belly. R-Right…..?
Snips and Snails: Intel 8088 - Just like the processor, their brains are slow as molasses. Hell, maybe the processor itself is smarter and faster than those two combined.
Trixie Lulamoon: Pentium II - Both may look fancy, but deep down they both are limited of what they can do. Trixie with her magic tricks, and the Pentium II for it’s CPU power and speed.
Sunset Shimmer: AMD A10 - When compared to the Core i5, they are both identical. But, since the EQG series isn’t technically canon with the show and the movie, this is more of a joke than anything else. :P
Celestia and Luna: Intel 4004 - The first publically released processor, making it one of the oldest CPUs of all time, which matches well to the Princesses, due to their age. But don’t tell them that…..
UPDATE: This was made by a friend of mine, and he told me up upload it here. He also requested to be anonymous.
Artwork / vectors used belong to their rightful owners.