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Pillow-like grass met Luna’s back as she lay her body bare before the twilight,
Her Twilight.
A hoof’s gentle caress along her inner thigh made the Night Empress sigh in relaxed content. a light nibbling along her belly was rewarded with silk laced laughter, quiet, but present, and the short but sharp nips along her neck caused flashes of pleasure to jolt up the Alicorn’s spine.
“Somepony is rather frisky tonight…” She mumbled, allowing her eyes to close as the kisses piqued in intensity, then drew to a close with a long, drawn out kiss upon her lips.
Alas, one needs air to survive, and the bond broke like ripples in water. Luna opened her eyes and beheld all that was her Twilight, surrounded by mini orbs of fire, the purple mare’s body shimmered in the moonlight and fireflies glow.
“I have a wish Princess…and I will wait no longer to see it bear fruit.”
Luna gasped as short sharp teeth nibbled against her ear tip, forcing the blue mare to open her maw and moan loudly.
“..W-we would ask what this wish is, but Thou seems-aaaahh- r-ready to confess thy inner truths…”
The princess of friendship capitalized on the breach in Luna’s defenses and clasped her mouth over the Night’s voice, silencing it for a brief moment, before breaking for the dawn of new words to come… Huffing, her Twilight leaned down and whispered in short breaths that held her captivated…
“I want….I want to embrace the night…and make it last forever…” Luna blushed deeply and nodded, allowing the body above her to slowly begin it’s motions atop her.
“…As thou wishes…so shall it be, our night…will last forever…”


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