AJ stared at the vehicle for a second until she remembered that Sunset had mentioned wanting to use the barn for something this weekend. With that mentally sorted the farm girl headed into the barn.
“Hey there Sunset do ya need any help with…” Whatever her next words were going to be she forgot as she saw what was sitting on a hay bale.
It was Rarity. Sitting on a hay bale. Wearing very snug white outfit with large black spots. AJ was still parsing what she was seeing when her friend notice her and spoke up.
“Applejack darling your here! Sunset went up to your house to make a phone call. The cellular reception in this building is simply terrible! She should be back in just a second! I’m sure she’d very much appreciate your help setting up the lights.”
The blonde finally connected all the dots and realized what her friend was dressed as. After a few seconds she muttered. “Um, Rarity. Why ya dressed like a cow?”
Her friend perked up making the bell around her neck clang softly. “Oh darling! I’m posing for a photo shoot for the school 4H club. Fluttershy is trying to raise money for some new stables! She and Sunset are organizing the whole thing! There going to be making and selling calendars to raise money.”
Applejack’s gaze remained locked on her friend. “Posing, for, photos. Going, to, be, making, calenders.” She said in a rather robotic fashion. “And, yer a posing fer it Rarity?”
The fashionista leaned forward on the hay bale which resulted in her outfit shifting along with parts of her. “Yes darling. But I’m not posing as Rarity. I’m suppose to be Clover the club’s cow. Well, I mean Clover doesn’t look like this.”
Rarity looked down at herself. “I’m a, what’s the word Fluttershy used. An anthropomorphic version of her. That’s it! Fluttershy seems to know quite about the subject, and Sunset says it’s very popular in some crowds.”
AJ went rigid and got a rather pained expression. Her friend noticed her discomfort. “Dear. I thought you’d be excited about this? What’s the matter?”
Much Rarity’s surprise her friend blushed and looked away. “Ya mean Clover. The cow I feed almost everyday?”
“Yes that one.”
“And I take care of her stable?”
“Yes darling that’s who I’m speaking of.”
AJ looked back at her friend. Her face was now beet red. “And the cow I milk at least twice a week?”
“Yes, that’s…” Rarity voice failed and her face turned a similar shade of red. She shifted awkwardly and the cow bell around her neck clanged again.
Ah! Yes! Well. I can see darling why you’d, uh, um, have, uh, conflicted feelings seeing me dressed like this!”
Applejack proceeded to pull the brim of her Stetson down over her eyes and muttered something incoherent.