After like five minutes of magical-blasts towards the “Appear Tree”, Bright Mac and Pear Butter suddenly came back from the dead. After they realised that they were alive again, they immediately wanted to meet their children. So this portion of “The Squad” organised a surprise-meeting, on the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres. Then when the “Apple Family” came back from a “family-gathering” (where Suger Belle and Tender Taps were invited due to them being so Close to Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom respectivly) saw that Bright Mac and Pear Butter were suddenly alive. They were shocked (Applejack more than the others), while Bright Mac and Pear Butter cried tears of joy to see their three children so healthy and strong. Most happy were they about the fact that their oldest child is soon getting married. Granny Smith was also really happy that her son was brought back from the dead, but was upset that Grand Pear wasn’t there to see his daughter alive as well.
Applejack: What in tarnation?!
Diamond Tiara: Why does Apple Bloom have a colt-friend and not me?
King Sombra: Perhaps this can help the princesses understand that I have changed.
Trixie: Trixie really hopes so!
Background by zutheskunk
Applejack by bronyvectors
Apple Bloom by Sunran80
Big Macintosh by klarnetist
Granny Smith by kna
Bright Mac & Pear Butter by dashiesparkle
Suger Belle by zacatron94
Winona by atomicgreymon
King Sombra by legat bf
Tender Taps by hendro107
Trixie Lulamoon by reginault
Diamond Tiara vector found online on Google with an unknown user
Kevin vector found online on Google with an unknown user
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