Supernova: Hello, Lu Oh… Pfft. What happened?
Luna: Your daughter is refusing to go to bed and instead, is terrorizing the guards and destroying the castle
Supernova: Hmm…. sounds more like your daughter
Luna: ………….. Too soon
Supernova: What? That was like over a thousand years ago. Why’re you holding her like that?
Luna: She kept escaping my magic. I guess alicorn foals are stronger than I thought
Supernova: Batpony alicorn
Luna: playfully rolls eyes Yes, yes batpony alicorn. I suppose her bite is pretty strong
Supernova: ?
Luna: She kept biting the guards that tried catching her
Supernova: Ha! You’re just a little nightmare aren’t ya? boops Nidra on the nose
Luna: I hope she’s not this much of a troublemaker when she gets older
Supernova: Nah, she’s just getting it all out of her system now, right kiddo?
Nidra: still pouting