For those that do not know, this is all a product of the whole Magical Mercenary fiasco, where a hat was included in the 2013 TF2 Halloween Update that contained several references to MLP in its contained dialogue. Of course, the TF2 Community upon seeing it proceeded to either laugh hysterically or light itself on fire and puke up its innards with rage (if you want to see the hat and the damage, here’s the workshop URL).
So, a Steam group calling itself “Unicorn Removal” (no, seriously) formed, essentially protesting the mere existence of the hat. It’s basically just a circle-cuss of anti-bronies spewing homophobic slurs, elementary insults and hate gravy while whining to each other about how bronies are invading TF2 or something.
Apparently, they started a petition to try get Valve to remove that hat. 20 bucks says the petition will fail before next Tuesday. (The URL for the petition is in the Source. WARNING: If you want to read the petition, just know that there’s a lot of foul language in the description and in its comments. Gives you an idea of just how mature the leaders of Unicorn Removal are.)
TL;DR - Valve published an item that references MLP, gamers cried, now they’re pouting in a corner and asking daddy Gaben to take away our toys.
UPDATE: Well, looks like I owe you all 20 bucks. The signatures on the petition just broke 6000.
UPDATE 2: Well, looks like they’re back down to 200 signatures. Guess all of the troll accounts and repeated signatures were removed.