In the distance, a large bee hive can be seen. It’s usually heavily guarded by four bee ponies. The guards aren’t friendly and will quickly go into action when they spot an unwelcome guest. If anypony wishes to enter the bee hive without getting attacked by the guards. They will need to visit their local “Monster Pony Inn” to get an invitation from a bee pony there. Once you are given the letter, you may approach the guards and show them a letter. Only then will they carry you up to the bee hive entrance. If the letter you give them turn out to be fake, they will hunt you down and make good use of your body, as you are forced inside their stomach or abdomen.~
Note that the characters I use aren’t dead, dead, and are not suffering from any pain. You’ll see the character again in future drawings. Vore is a fetish that I simply enjoy, and most of it will likely do something with fatal-vore, but I do enjoy Endo every so often.