Original Description:
Smolder was excited to show Garble around the market. It wasn’t every day that her brother decided to visit. She couldn’t wait to taste his cooking again.
Garble was happy to see his sister, even if he wasn’t too sure about this market thing. The goods honestly didn’t seem all that edible to him. He would have to check out the forest next door for some real food, he thought to himself.He tried to think, at least. The ear-piercing screams of a colt made it nigh impossible for him to hear his own thoughts. The things that came out of the little pony’s mouth shocked both dragons. Neither of them had any idea one could say such things to their own mother!
I may change the colt’s colors later. I spent a lot of time looking at different options and settled on this brown/orange scheme, but I’m still not sure if it’s the best combo.