Original Description:
The prefaceAs you know from the series, Kirin live far from other races and in seclusion, so few people know about their existence.Two ponies who had already been there once, Applejack and Fluttershy,went to familiar places and brought two of them from there to show the world outside their native village.And they were brought to the Ponyville school, where Kirin’s lesson was just taking place, live specimens are much better suited for familiarization)A dialogue between two ponies after arriving at the Ponyville School:Applejack: “I’m sure they’ll love our little town!”Fluttershy: “I think they’re a little uncomfortable here…”Apple: “More than one pony couldn’t resist my Grandma Smith’s apple pies! Kirins are ponies too, aren’t they?” :)Flatty: “Mmmmm… Aaappllleeees…” :3Apple: “Hey, what are you doing?!” :/Flatty: “It’s a joke, yes! Hehe… :)… let’s take a look at the Sugar Corner later!Some pony is really looking forward to throwing a party for new friends!” ^^This idea arose about a year and a half or two years ago, but was abandoned, and then completely forgotten. But one very annoying pony insisted on reviving this and many other ideas, which I refused!It took almost two weeks to remember everything that happened there, to sketch and color it. That’s quite a lot for such a relatively simple job, but it was only possible to implement it on a computer and a graphics tablet, which I’m still not very friendly with)Thank you for reading to the end)I am waiting for your comments and criticism, if any!Boop! :3