Artist’s Note:
Hello, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! This is my final poster of the year. This was very difficult and tedious poster to work on, had many crashes because the limit of RAM is 3GB or 3.5 GB (as I notice my crashes), I had to lower the texture to medium so I get it under 3GB RAM, without crashing. Too many lights and too many models probably that why! Hahaha. I created snowman from other models since I couldn’t find a snowman model. The Santa Claus was tricky and had to change the color of Starswirl. Also, his tail was broken so I had to double model it with another model that only showed the tail. The Christmas lights models alone was about 862 models and 362 other models, around 70% of all the models were Christmas lights. There will only 2 pictures both will render at 4k resolution. 8k resolution is not possible with this poster, it crashes before rendering the titles. I’m glad I finish on time and was able to make this poster happen. I been through a lot in these past week before Christmas, and most of my time was limited, so I am glad I got to finish the poster. Stay determined my friends!
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