“Little do most ponies know, but reindeer do not exist,”
“At least before we did!” Interrupted Alice.
“Yes, before us, reindeer were only creatures made up in fairytales and stories.”
“And before us, there were only herds of normal deer that roamed Equestria.” Said Aurora. “We once belonged to a herd of deer, that existed before even the first Hearthswarming.”
“Really? Like mama and auntie Luna?” Asked Northern Wishes, resting on Celestia’s back.
“Kinda,” Replied Alice, “But back then we were just regular deer! I don’t remember all that much, since I was still young. That’s more Aurora’s job anyways.”
“And that’s where our story starts,” Continued Bori.
“We used to live far up north, not far from where we are now.” Aurora said, sitting down in the back with Burn Stick.
“Now, we were used to the cold, but one year, there was particularly bad weather, that split some of us up from the rest of the herd.” Bori frowned. “We were separated in the frozen north for a long time. We were running out of resources and time, and the storms didn’t seem to let up. But we still had one hope.”
“In my youth, I heard of a story where if you followed the north star as far as it could take you, and were pure of heart, that it could grant your deepest wish.”
“We decided to follow it, being the only hope we had left. I wished to go on my own, but Aurora and Alice insisted they come with me. And so that’s what we did. For a day or two-”
“-Two and a half days, actually-”
“We followed the north star into the nothingness of the frozen north. We were pushing ourselves to our limits, and there was nothing but the endless snow.”
“We nearly reached our end.” Continued Aurora, “I remember collapsing into the snow, and despite Bori’s best efforts to take care of us, all three of us were reaching our end. But that’s when it happened.”
“A large light appeared in front of us, and it asked,”
“‘Are you willing to give up your life for your wish?’”
“‘Yes’, I remember saying, ‘Anything to save the ones I love.’” Said Bori.
“And after that, even my memory is fuzzy on what happened. But I remember it was a rebirth. And we were transformed into the spirits of the north.”
“Spirits of the north? I know you’ll ask.” Said Alice. “I thought you were the gift givers? And while that is what we are, along with being spirits of hearthswarming, we were also tasked with being protectors of the north of Equestria. Now I know, that sounds like a lot, but, we are three deer and the north never has much going on here. You aren’t just reborn and given omnipotence for nothing!”
“That includes helping those who get lost in the north, like our old herd.”
“Wow!” Exclaimed Nothern Wishes. “Do you think I can be a spirit of the north mama?”
Bori smiled, and planted a hoof on the filly’s forehead. “You already are.”
I DID IT!!!! HAPPY HEARTHSWARMING EVERYPONY!!!!! 15 minutes still left in my timezone so it counts : D
I wanted to continue my series of drawings I’ve made for the holidays, this time featuring my headcannons for the reindeer, Aurora, Bori, and Alice! They ascended like Twilight and Cadence did, but in a slightly different way, since they definitely seem like immortal beings.
This takes place before last year’s image, as the children are younger here. And you might see a new addition in the center ^^ That’s Celestia and Bori’s new baby, Banana Bliss! Ever since I saw the original figure character I wanted to make them a Celestia child (cause bananas lol), but couldn’t quite fit them in and plus, they already had two kids. And then I said screw it and made them anyways!