And I bring to you my other Christmas drawing this year. It’s a cold night on Hearth’s Warming Eve up in the skies of Cloudsdale. Where we find two professional flyers named Soarin and Rainbow Dash. The two are now together and they’re expecting their first child in a couple of months. However not everything is going smoothly for them, the two are dealing with the stress that Hearth’s Warming brings, deciding where to spend it, by themselves, or with their relatives. The two had an argument, and tried to fly it off and calm down in the snow. But it doesn’t work, and here we are with them glaring at each other. However deep down inside, the two love each other and just want to be happy at Hearth’s Warming time, even with the negatives that come with it.
This is not my best drawing, I understand that. But I wanted to get a couple of pictures out for Christmas this year. However it’s not THAT bad, at least Dashie and Soarin themselves look alright. Not pleased with the tree as I feel it should have been bigger. But overall it’s okay.
Saying all of that however, it’s been a good year for my art (unlike everything else…) and I hope next year is better. I just wanted to say to you all, Merry Christmas and have a wonderful day tomorrow and see you all in 2017! =D