And we’ll start with a very special commission that came today, one very close to my heart. :’3
I played a variety of games as a child, mostly ones that my parents could stomach with a disconnection from “too much violence” (basically first person shooters that involved killing humans so I was never a CoD kid. I didn’t end up playing Modern Warfare 4 until my late teens and…tbh thought the nuke scene was a neat twist in a crap game that didn’t deserve to have it) >.<
Some ya’ll would probably of heard of: LEGO Island, Age of Empires/Mythology, Command and Conquer: Red Alert, Dawn of War, Warcraft and Starcraft, The Sims, Sim City, Dungeon Siege, Baldur’s Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Morrowind, Oblivion, Mass Effect, Dragon Age: Origins…
…others a bit more obscure that fewer people have heard of, like Might and Magic, Total Annihilation/Supreme Commander, Warlord’s Battlecry, Conquest: Frontier Wars, Sacrifice, LEGO Racer, a racing game called Blur, Battle for Wesnoth…even had some old Omega games, from anyone who even remembers that existed. There was a game for that called Cannon Fodder and it’s theme song has been stuck in my head since I was five years old as one of my most frequent earworms.
But for all of that, there were two gaming franchises that I played RELIGIOUSLY. To this very day I still remember the layout and spawn locations of every single level in every game in these two franchises. There was a time in my life, where I could have given you the technical names for vehicles, recite the exact dialogue of obscure side characters, every single crossover they’d ever been involved in and tell you the birthday of the main character’s closest friend from memory. As in, not needing to look it up.
That’s how into these two franchises I was…still am in a way, although most of the obscure lore trivia had to make way for more practical concerns as I got older.
And those two game franchises were Halo (Combat Evolved - Reach I mean; the Bungie Era), and Spyro the Dragon.
A weird combo I know, but I played the shit out of those games when I was younger. I could never get bored of them! And I think it’s long overdue for me to get some Spyro themed fanart… <:3
After another long hard day of kicking gnorc butt, finding all the dragon eggs and saving Avalar from a neurotic Dinosaurceror (not necessarily in that order mind <:3) it’s nice to kick back and relax on the sunny beaches of Dragon Shores! Oh there’s plenty of rides and attractions there too, but nothing beats the simple bliss of just lounging back on a fold-out reclining chair and just watching the waves lap against the shore…or getting some sleep with the warm sun on your scales.
Even better when they’ve got some nice catering staff around to provide drinks, too…pretty ones who are very eager to meet you. :3
Art is by the reliable: ChaosKomori, who can be commissioned here, who makes some pretty cutesy art for those who enjoy the style. A thank you to her for her dedication and attention to detail with her work. :3