Updated Portrait of Headmaster Torygg, Now Definitely Perfect.
(Arcturian Order)
Unenlarged Version of the Portrait
this Portrait is from the Arcturian Order Remake that Will Probably Come Out Someday.
(all Portraits there are very cool ones.) https://imgur.com/gLXjYcv
Born: not in the game yet, if it is, I’ll write
Party: Progressive Wing of the Council
Ideology: Chivalric Knightly Order Harmony
Biography: Headmaster Torygg has led the Arcturian Order for years. Stoic and proud, he has kept a long vigil over the lands to the north. Waiting for the day when the Dread League finally marches south to rid the world of all life. He is a quiet and confident individual. A veteran of the southern wars, he has come to realise his purpose in life is to guard against a greater evil than the world has ever seen.
No Mere Windmill: Following their victory on Dread League, the Order can renew their investigation into former Headmaster Torygg’s assassination. It is revealed that Torygg was concerned about some other dark force manipulating many events throughout history — and as the investigation draws to a close, he’s revealed to have been right, for with the Order on the trail of the Windigos, they reveal themselves, take control of the Dread Peninsula and launch a second war.
We Hardly Knew Ye: The Arcturian Order’s story begins with his assassination.
thanks to the Amazing Work of Neither
Author of the Portrait He gave me permission to add this Portrait to Derpibooru.