Original Description:
A little something for EQD's 'Artistic Progress' Event.
It's actually the first time I've properly gone back and looked at how I was drawing ponies back in late 2012/early 2013. How thin I used to draw them was hilarious. At this point I was still just out of art college and starting at Uni on an animation/illustration course.
College was hell. I'd spent two years being continuously told that cartoons aren't acceptable and nor is humour in art. They'd essentially tried to force my hand into being a fine artist, an area I respect, but have never been comfortable in myself. Thankfully, Uni changed all that. You can see a genuine change throughout 2013 as the influence of my illustration lecturer crept in, a guy with over forty years experience in the cartooning and illustration industry. I owe him a lot.
And thanks to his efforts, I'm still here drawing.
And for those that want a comparison to the 2013 original. Back in a magical time when I was drawing far too neatly and couldn't draw a ponies back legs to save my life =P
MLP:FiM owned by Hasbro.