I put way too much work into making complete sets of armour and weapons for Celestia and Luna, that I’ve barely had any chance to use. In general I do use assets that I get from elsewhere, but these I made 100% from scratch, with a lot of detail. I wish I had excuses to show them off.
I gave Celestia a fairly standard set of late medieval-ish European armour, with a sword, shield, and hammer. >>2220533s>>2296668s>>2445490s
I like to portray Luna being in strong contrast to Celestia in most ways, like manner, body type, handedness, etc. So for Luna I made a Japanese style daishō (katana and wakizashi set) and Edo period inspired armour.
Back in A Morning With The Night part 11 >>2971629 , I made an excuse to show off Luna’s gear, but for some reason I seem to have forgotten to actually post singles of it! So just because I feel like showing off my work, I’m posting some.