Original Description:
SomaliSalami Thu 30 Jun 2016 23:11:02 No.27780130
Request, draw, submit. Mark requests with ‘/r/’ in the name field or comment field, ‘/d/’ for deliveries, ‘/ic/’ for critiques.Anonymous Fri 01 Jul 2016 09:22:19 No.27784243 94
Requesting Time Cop ponies trying to stop terrible futures from happening. It goes about as well as expected. Nyx still happens.
Requesting ponies playing casino games. Roulette, poker, slot machines.
Requesting pegasusses trying to crap on a car. But since they’re horses and not birds, it goes about as gross as expected.
Requesting pigeon type pegasus doing stuff. Like trying to get someone’s fries.
Requesting Rarity and Rarity-EQG making a shampoo commercial. (or making home-movie dance videos in the shower saying they’ll delete it later) Electric Six - The New Shampoo
Requesting Twilight being slimed with peanut butter. After all, what is grape jelly for if not for sandwiches?
Requesting Applejack-EQG riding Applejack through the mud, splashing mud everywhere, while Rarity shouts how are you doing this it’s a paved concrete street.
Requesting Canadian ponies. So it’s like Canada day, eh?
Requesting American ponies stockpiling fireworks for the 4th of July. It goes about as well as expected.
Requesting American pony panicking that Trump might end up getting elected. (it’s a bad idea man, don’t do it)
Requesting Celestia trying to sell wings to Transformers. You’re going to need your extra smug markers for Starscream.Slamjam Sat 02 Jul 2016 05:01:26 No.27791090 139
pigeon dash.jpg, 263KiB, 1000x1045
pigeonBlack Cat Sun 03 Jul 2016 23:42:37 No.27804124 268
1467435686050_CBC.jpg, 331KiB, 1000x1045
I found this one funny.
There, take some colors…