“Yes, it is true- prior to The Sundering, I was, along with my late husband, one of the leaders of the Nightkin. Now, all these years later, my former title of Lady falls to my daughter, Nightshade. I am not upset or bitter- after all, is it not every parent’s desire for their child to surpass their every dream?”
“Regardless, I have a new purpose and title as the Dame of the Nightkin- the title reflects my lineage, and my task is to coordinate all of the Nightkin refugees, and bring them to our new home; Sire’s Hollow.”
“Here in this place, we are, with the freely given assistance of the Equestrian Crown, building a new Sanctuary. Our numbers, though still small, are growing. Our people have discovered a new lease on life after the horrors of The Sundering, and many are having children. Other species have come to our banner as well- ponies, griffons, deer, a couple of minotaurs, humans, and even a dragon has joined us.”
“We owe absolutely everything to the pony Princesses- all of them. Without their funding and logistical assistance, none of this would have been possible, and our species would have died in obscurity, like so many others before us.”
Now, I must attend to my duties, but if you have any other questions, then please direct them to Poinsettia, our resident historian and medical professional. Farewell for now, my friend! ^^
Hey everyone,
I have decided to rework Dame Oleander, and have come up with this bit of flavour text to better fill out her role and station within the rebuilding and rehabilitation efforts of the Nightkin.
I felt that her previous manestyle, that of Marble Pie, was no longer suitable for her, and felt that a more elegant and wavy one would be better- I’m not disappointed with the results. I have also made other adjustments as well, including my usual simplifications and colour balance tweaks.
I feel that it makes her look a bit younger and frankly prettier than her original look, and I might work this trait into the Nightkin as a whole. Not sure yet, we’ll see where that road takes me in the future.
Heh, I also still remember being told, “Nightshade’s mom has got it going on!”
Did you hear me? I said I remember you, you glorious bastard! You know who you are! XD
For those who are unaware, the Nightkin are a species created by me as a deer subspecies. Yes, it is an open species with an in-depth history and lore, but I would like to say now that I will be rewriting a fair chunk of it to make it a bit more accessible and less esoteric to potential owners of a Nightkin character in the future.