Page 809 - Flash Forward
DM: Let’s go around the table. How is everyone else doing?
Fluttershy: I’m making… the same.
Rarity: Trying not to fall into the pit of optimization.
Pinkie Pie: You can make Bugbear characters??
Rainbow Dash: I’m gonna boost my Speed as high as I can!
Gilda: Nice. I know a Battlemind/Monk build that–
Rainbow Dash: Nah, I’ll stay a Barbarian. It’s awesome.
Gilda: Suit yourself. At least since you’re level 9, you can get Boots of Striding.
Rainbow Dash: Oooh, I totally can! Hey, that reminds me: Do I FINALLY get my share of the loot I should’ve earned from that mercenary job?
Gilda: That horror story from D&D Camp is canon?
DM: Now would be a good time for that to kick in, wouldn’t it…? Sure, we’ll say the Wonderbolts’ lawyers pressured the artificers into a generous settlement.
Rainbow Dash: Sweet! Serves them right!
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