Twilight Sparkle: Killing with knowledge or Killing with magic
Applejack: Killing honestly or Killing by bucking
Rarity: Killing fashionably or Killing beautifully
Rainbow Dash: Killing while looking cool
Fluttershy: Killing shyfully or Killing with critters
Pinkie Pie: Killing Psychotically or Killing with a smile
Flam, the elder Flam Flim Brother: Killing for bits or Killing by scheming
Flim, Younger Flam Flim Brother: Also killing for bits or Killing with deceptions
Gilda: Killing while being awesome or Killing while flying
Nightmare Moon: Killing from the shadows or Killing pridefully
Sombra: Killing with fear
Garble: Killing with force
Spike: Killing with fire
Ember: Killing with supremacy
Grover the Diamond Dog: Killing by digging
Iron Will: Killing with strength or Killing in a rage
Celestia: Killing with rules or Killing with light
Zecora: Killing Mysteriously or Killing with skills
Prince Blueblood: Killing while being perfect (self proclaimed)
Queen Novo: Killing by drowning
And as for the roles of the Zodiac Criminals from the sequel can mostly be MLP villains from all generations since they’re criminals.