Original Description:
So this is something different from some pony oc design ideas that came from me working on my current MLP scenic illustration. They are a tiny detail in the background but I liked their designs so much that I decided to make them as a separate image and even give them names.In my canon idea for Equestria Rara is a household name but These two Aqua wave and Shake swirl that make up the duo Aqua Shake are almost as big as her selling out too many concerts across Equestria and beyond. They specialize in bubblegum pop, rock and a little punk. I see Aqua as being the level headed one and Shake is the more adventurous type liking to take on dares from the fans and herself much to the annoyance of Aqua at times.I see the CMC practically Sweetie Belle being a big fan of their music.I did begin thinking of ideas for how an episode of G4 could work with Aqua Shake but I am not patient enough to try writing a pony fanfic.I am not sure if I will do much with them in the future apart from including them in some of my scenic illustrations. but i really liked their designs and to quote Sweetie Belle their mane. XDHope you guys like them too.until next deviation friendsLatershere are my other linksInstagram: JowyB (original content then fan stuff)Twitter: JowyB