In the distant lands far beyond the borders of Equestria, there exists a world where equality and harmony are but mere dreams. A world where the sun never shines equally upon all, and the wind that carries you high is reserved for the few.
At its heart lies Arcadia, a bustling city filled with life and energy, a true Utopia. But beneath this facade lies an undercurrent of darkness, where the lower class ponies toil endlessly in service of their elite masters. The elite ponies, blessed with a power and respect that could only ever be befitting royalty, use it to rule over every aspect of life in Arcadia. These noble creatures sit atop the social pyramid, granting wishes and living lives of luxury without compromise. Yet for every wish fulfilled, there’s a price to pay. The ponies beneath all, stripped of their own inherent magical abilities, bear the brunt of this inequality. They are treated not as equals, but as beasts of burden, their strength and resilience exploited to maintain the high standard of living enjoyed by the upper classes. The Unicorns have their horns shackled to suppress their abilities to cast their own magic and the Pegasi have their primary flight feathers clipped, grounding them. Cutie marks of the lower class are forcibly obscured as a reminder that they are nothing but cogs. A reality that most citizens of Arcadia are entirely unaware of.
Its skyline is a tapestry of towering spires and elaborate structures, where wealth drips from every facet of architecture. Golden rooftops, shimmering with enchantments, are common among the elite’s palaces, The grand plazas and lush gardens, maintained with the highest magic, create an illusion of prosperity and joy, but these are carefully curated areas designed to distract from the grim realities that lie just below their hooves, a maze of cramped, shadowy alleys and bustling marketplaces covered in dirt and grime.
The topmost echelon of Arcadia is composed of a extreme ruling class of ponies who possess immense magical prowess. Their abilities are not just a boon but a symbol of their superiority. They manipulate the elements, influence the weather, and weave enchantments that ensure their continued comfort and grandeur. Their homes are adorned with rare magical artifacts and their gardens are filled with exotic flora from all corners of the world. In contrast, the lower classes, stripped of their own magic through forced means, live in constant struggle, their lives dictated by the whims of their masters, though without them, Arcadia cannot exist in it’s current form.
In this city, culture and tradition are heavily influenced by the imbalance of power. Festivals and public ceremonies are grandiose and spectacular, and are designed to showcase the splendor of Arcadia and where political power and influence are negotiated under the guise of casual entertainment. These events are characterized by dazzling displays of magic and abundant excess in every way imaginable, that captivate and distract the populace. The lower classes, meanwhile, participate in these celebrations only as spectators or performers, their roles limited to maintaining the illusion of harmony under the ever watchful eye of the City’s faceless rulers.
Public perception in Arcadia is tightly controlled. The elite built everything from the ground up to keep up their ideal outward impressions of Arcadia, including faking ancient spells and forging historical records that confirm their divine right to rule. The general populace, however, is fed a carefully curated narrative that instills the belief of the city’s inherent fairness and prosperity. Public libraries and archives, often lavishly decorated, are stripped of all references to the lower class to keep them blind to the underbelly that keeps the city running.
The city’s infrastructure reflects its deep-seated inequality. The upper levels of Arcadia are maintained with impeccable care, their streets clean and well-lit by ever-blooming bio-luminescent plants and magical lanterns. In contrast, the lower districts are characterized by their lack of maintenance, with crumbling buildings and inadequate sanitation. The only light in these areas comes from the sporadic, dim street oil lamps, and the harsh reality of overcrowded conditions and scarce resources is a constant companion for those who live there.
Arcadia is a city where the bright façade of utopia masks an absolute and ignorant divided society. Its splendor is a carefully crafted illusion.
Dust, a name given to her many years ago, was one such pegasus, her once magnificent wings clipped to prevent flight. Her body bore scars and burns from years of grueling labor and lack of proper safety standards and medical treatment. She had always known hardship, growing up in the rough parts of Arcadia, never knowing the comforts afforded to the ruling class, let alone the general populace above. There was nothing more that she wanted than to be taken away from this place, to explore the world and find a better life. But escape seemed impossible, trapped as she was between the harsh realities of her existence and the omnipresent eye of those in power.
Dust’s spirit was on the verge of breaking, but she found solace in the small acts of compassion that were granted by those around her, though not out of kindness, but from necessity. However, even these gestures could not change the fact that Dust was destined to live a life of thankless, unknown servitude. There was no future for a pony like her; only the endless cycle of work, survival and despair. Yet Dust continued to dream that one day, she may wake up.