“Almost a whole ten years, huh?” Dash asked. “Talk about devotion.”
“Who cares how long he’s known her?” Rarity spat. “That doesn’t mean anything. Plus, I’m so much prettier than her. She’s a nerd!”
“She’s a very modest,hot nerd,” Sunset Shimmer corrected her. “Plus she cooks and she’s known him for practically a decade. On top of that, her boobs are, like, ridiculously huge, and you’re a B-cup who brags about her pretty looks and relies on her sexual charms.”
“Shut up! I do not do that!”
“I don’t think Spike even knows Moon Dancer likes him,” Fluttershy said honestly.
“And it’s not like he’s grossed out by her,” Applejack added. “If she told him how she felt, would they start dating?”
Rarity groaned as an image of Spike and Moon Dancer cuddling popped into her head.
“This sucks so much,” she said. “Do men really only go out with a woman as long as she has big breasts?”
“Now, Rarity, don’t judge Spike too harshly,” Pinkie told her. “After all, he does care about each of us very much.”