Original Description:
Good Morning!
This is my second time drawing them but I wanted to redo it.
Scootaloo: Scootaloo lives in Cloudsdale with her boyfriend Rumble and their daughter High Winds. She saved up money for years in order to get surgery, getting fake bones implemented in her wings to make them the correct size. Her muscles weren’t changed though and she was able to flap them at an incredible speed. It didn’t take long for her to become an excellent flyer, and thanks to a recommendation from RD she joined the Wonderbolts.Applebloom: Applebloom lives partially in Ponyville and partially in Manehattan. She’s married to Tender Taps and has two daughters, Dandelion Dancer and Honeycrisp. She works on marketing for Sweet Apple Acres and promotes them whenever at their apartment in Manehattan. When she’s at Ponyville she packages the products. Applebloom also keeps the record of their cmc helps.Sweetie Belle: Sweetie Belle lives in Ponyville with her husband Button Mash and two daughters, Sweet Song and Pixel. She has a singing career and occasionally travels for gigs. When she isn’t singing she’s acting as the head of the cmc job seeing as she’s the only one permanently in Ponyville.Base by