A rivalry between two magical circus performers turns into an unlikely and unsteady friendship as they are forced to learn to work together on the biggest project of their lives.
Janette(left) was born into being a performer. With her thin and flexible nature, she can perform the most mind bending magic acts, twisting and turning like an acrobat, creating beautiful light shows almost effortlessly as she hangs from the rafters. Her arrogance and self confident nature is easily forgivable only since her ego isn’t entirely unfounded.
Uriel(right) had to fight for her place in one of the worlds biggest circuses. She is a no nonsense, hardworking unicorn with an impressive ability to jump and twist despite her short stature. Don’t mess with her, she doesn’t play around. (ask Janette)
(TL;DR They are magic trapeze performers in a circus. They put on light shows and swing from circus rafters. They start out as rivals and become friends.)