Mr. Puzzles: (looks at his TV and sees SMG4 drinking his new Puzzlevision Milk, laughing) Yes, SMG4, yes! Drink it and let madness took over! HAHAHAHA- (Bolt pounces him out of nowhere and pinned him into the fridge door; His Puzzlevision Milks rattled from inside) D’oh!
Bolt: (Speaking; Angrily) YOU SHOULD BE!
Mr. Puzzles: Wait, you speak?!
Bolt: Where is he?!
Mr. Puzzles: Uuh……. who?
Bolt: You know why I’m here?
Mr. Puzzles: Uuh-
Bolt: WHERE IS HE?!?
Mr.Puzzles: I don’t know where he-
???: Ahem!
(Mr. Puzzles look and sees Puzzle Shield from behind Bolt; The Autistic Alicorn smirked at the TV Guy’s pin-down)
Mr. Puzzles: Oh, what do you want?
Puzzle: Where’s SMG4?
Mr. Puzzles: I’m not talking to you.
Puzzle: Bolt?
(The two nodded for agreement; Bolt looked back at Mr. Puzzles, nervously laughing)
Bolt: Looks like we’re gonna do this the hard way.
-Meanwhile at Rusty Bucket-
(Bolt grabbed his hat (and Mr. Puzzles) with his teeth near the ledge; The Alicorn smirked at this predicament)
Mr. Puzzles: (screaming for dear life) Ahh! Near the water, are you crazy man!?!
Bolt: For the last time, WHERE IS HE?!?!
Mr. Puzzles: Okay! Okay! I’ll talk! He’s at the Showgrounds, still working on some memes!
Puzzle: And the Meme Factory Incident?
Mr. Puzzles: Yes! I’m still working on a product to gain control of SMG4’s Mind!
Puzzle: What’s the product?
Mr. Puzzles: (Grabbing the Puzzlevision Milk from his pocket; hands it to The Alicorn) Why, the Puzzlevision Milk of course. Only $5 a carton.
Bolt: You can’t stop the lying, can’t you TV Man. It’s in the geans. It’s just gross.
Mr. Puzzles: (sighs) I know. It’s disgusting. I disgust myself.
Puzzle: The Showgrounds. I should’ve known. Come on, Bolt. To the Showgrounds.