the first of a few sets of character designs for Friendship is Timeless!! Starting w the princesses + Twilight : )
Princess Celestia
Age: 23
Princess Celestia is Luna’s older sister and the prized pupil of Starswirl the Bearded. Under his guidance, she learns both magic and diplomacy, and unbeknownst to her, she is being trained to wield the Elements of Harmony. She gained recognition at a young age for her ability to raise the sun all on her own, without depleting her magic. Many ponies across the disconnected republics are looking to her for guidance, though she feels unworthy of so much adoration. She’s shy around new ponies and very softspoken, and worries that when the time comes, she won’t be able to be the ruler that everypony wants her to be. She has a goofy side that hardly ever gets the opportunity to show itself, and she loves running around and playing silly games with her sister and her new friend Twilight whenever she can. She adores her new friend Twilight and looks up to her as a capable, intelligent pony. Though it took her some time to warm up to the strange unicorn, now she happily chatters away about her life to Twilight, who in turn tells her all sorts of amazing stories from Equestria’s future.
Princess Luna
Age: 19
Princess Luna is Celestia’s younger sister and the secondary pupil of Starswirl the Bearded. Starswirl isn’t impressed by her magical ability and compares her often to her older sister, and while Luna knows that that isn’t Celestia’s fault, the comparison does get frustrating. Outside of their lessons she and Celestia generally get along well, and try to make time for games so that their daily lives aren’t too boring. Though not as famous as her older sister, Luna also has a dedicated following, and gained notoriety for her ability to move the moon. She’s only recently discovered her ability to dreamwalk, and uses it to spend more quality time with her sister and her new friend Twilight. Despite being the younger sister, Luna is the more confident of the two, and warmed up to Twilight much faster than Celestia (Though nowadays it seems like Celestia and Twilight are attached at the hip). Though Celestia is more knowledgeable when it comes to magic, Luna is more clever and creative, and often wins their sparring matches by using a common spell in an unexpected way. Despite her victories, Starswirl scolds her for using ‘underhanded tricks’ rather than pure power. Luna often goes for nighttime flights just to get some alone time.
Twilight Sparkle
Age: 27
Twilight Sparkle found herself centuries in the past after messing up a difficult time travel spell. Despite the challenges that come with living outside of her own time, she’s found happiness in the company of the princesses, and gets along well with both of them (though she is remarkably closer to Celestia). She studies under Starswirl as his newest student, as he took her in as a pupil after recognizing her unusual magical talent. She outperforms both Celestia and Luna in their lessons, and though Celestia is still Starswirl’s prize pupil for now, it likely won’t be long before he begins to favor Twilight. Twilight sought out the princesses after her time leap hoping for their wisdom and guidance, and was surprised to find two inexperienced alicorns a few years younger than herself. If anything, the two of them tend to defer to her judgment, and trust her to make decisions regarding their future kingdom. Twilight is the only one besides Starswirl that currently knows about the Elements of Harmony, and hopes that once Celestia and Luna are able to wield them, that they’ll be able to send her back to her own time. It may take a while, but she hasn’t given up hope of going back to her friends and family.