“I… I don’t know what to tell you… Put it this way, despite extensive therapy, medication, and healthy coping mechanisms, I still get flashbacks to when THEY enslaved me…”
“It’s like I’m right back there in their stinking burrows- breaking rocks, begging for food… And oh, dear Celestia, the floggings…. I want to forget… I NEED to forget… But I just can’t do it!”
“If it’s alright with you, I don’t suppose we could cuddle for a bit, could we?”
Hey everyone,
For those who don’t know Sandstone Odyssey here, she spent years as the slave of rogue Diamond Dogs, and unfortunately, has scars of all kinds to prove it. She is, quite understandably, terrified of Diamond Dogs, and suffers recurring flashbacks and nightmares.
Of course, she is improving, and is nowhere near as frightened as she once was, but the memories are very deep and painful, so progress is slow.