Scootaloo: Crying Why did our original family just abandon me like that…? Is it become of me…? Is it because of my wings…? Is that it…?
Windy: Softly Scootaloo… There’s nothing wrong with your wings or you… You’re a great little girl…
Scootaloo: Still crying But…. But, I can’t even fly… My wings are so small… I’m…I’m a failure…
Windy: Voice cracking Y-Y-You’re not a failure, sweetie… You’re a v-very kind, helpful and b-brave little filly… You have great friends, you’ve got great scooter skills….and you’re got us… Your father, your big sister…..and me… And we love you…
Scootaloo: Weeping M-Mom…
Windy: We love you so much… You are our pride and joy… You are my little angelcake… My gleaming starbright… My brave little scout… Whenever you fly or not, we will always be of you… And without you… Starts leaking tears …Our lives wouldn’t be complete… Please… Don’t leave us… Promise me that you will never call yourself a failure or runn away from home again…
Scootaloo: Leaks even more tears as her voice cracks I…I promise… Oh, Mommy…
The two share a loving hug, both of them now crying