Spamotron said:
Give Luna a flirty goodbye and head to the train station.
[Romance] You roll an 11 (required 10). Success!
With a long train ride ahead of you, you decide to thank Princess Luna again for sharing her wisdom with you, and playfully add that you will be seeing her later in your dreams. A hint of amusement tugs at her brow.
Luna: “Wouldst thou request my presence, child?”
Those words suddenly put a thousand years between you and the princess. As you try to fight back the feeling of blood rushing to your face, you stammer out that you simply meant to keep her apprised of your progress in the dream realm!
Whether or not she believes you is questionable, but Princess Luna nods nonetheless, deeming your salvaging attempt adequate.
Luna: “Moonflower’s presence will be enough. The dreams of ponies are her responsibility, as well as mine; if something requires my attention, she will let me know.”
You nod, and before you can embarrass yourself any further, you bid the princess farewell.
Luna: “Farewell, ponies, and may you find what you seek.”
As you make your way back to the castle gates and return to the city streets, you feel Honourshine’s gaze upon you, burning with teasery.
Honourshine: “Never change, Prince Charming.”
Moonflower: “Heeheehee…”
After countless twists and turns around the mountainside, the train emerges from one last tunnel and into the vast eastern grasslands. Gentle winds blow white clouds across the bright forenoon sky, and the sun casts soft shadows over fields of wavy grass.
You watch the scenery roll by for a moment before turning back to your friends.
Moonflower: “… but then they said they didn’t want the gems anymore, and jus’ kinda left!”
Honourshine: “A pack of diamond dogs? I can’t say I’m surprised, but is there anything Blaze won’t try to seduce?”
As your exotic tastes are put up for debate, you argue that affection is a hammer that can not only break the barriers of language, but also forge the strongest of bonds between creatures. After all, you ask, are the hippogriffs not living proof of this?
Honourshine: “Your argument would be compelling if it weren’t for the imagery it evokes.”
You retort that the imagery is the best part!
Moonflower: “Heehee! I’m kinda curious what other boy creatures are like, too.”
Honourshine: “Well, better that than going for a royal princess, I suppose.”
You tell Honourshine that she can’t blame a pony for trying, but somehow, she manages to disagree with you with nothing but a smile. You figure that now would be a good time to either come up with something else to talk about, or find another way to pass the time.