Emerald asks if it’s possible for him to learn one of those tentacle spells for… You know, no particular reason.
Joyride grins at him and says, “Well, that kind of spell might be beyond you for the moment, but keep on practising and maybe soon I can teach it to ya.”
Emerald asks how long he was out.
“An hour or two, which is about right. Luckily when you risk your life nearly draining yourself of magic you either die or you don’t, so I knew you’d be fine with a little rest.” Joyride says.
Emerald asks if there are any deer she thinks he should meet here, and if she has any books in her library about deer.
“Nope and Yup, respectively.” She responds.
As they approach the cottage, Emerald asks if she plans to rebuild it. It’s in a nice area, and it might be useful.
“I suppose… When I have a little less on my plate maybe I’ll get to it.” She says, looking over the derelict building.
Emerald wonders if he should tell Joyride about his vision. He doesn’t want to hide it from her, but he wonders if now would be a good time to bring it up, considering how emotional things have been lately.
What does Emerald do?
This CYOA is finished and being archived, but it’s creator and community are still active on the Discord Server.
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