I’ve really been enjoying doing traditional art again recently and decided I want to create a new piece for MA GURL and favourite pony, Spitfire! It’s been a while since I portrayed her as the competent and strong Captain of the Wonderbolts she is! I was also inspired to draw her since Anneli Heed, the Swedish Voice of Spitfire, is going to attent GalaCon, where I’ll be vendoring at a shared table with @Woodiewool!
I just love drawing Spitfire and I feel like at this point drawing her face and mane are happening smoothly out of habit, hehe. I love her eyes specifically and am happy I managed to make her look so pretty and confident! At first, this piece was supposed to be a simple portrait illustration with just a flat-coloured background or colour splash, yet I decided I wanted to add more to it and I couldn’t be happier that I did. In my opinion, the background really drives it home and frames the mare positively as the Captain at Wonderbolt’s Academy.
Overall, I think it’s one of my absolute favourite traditional brushmarker and coloured pencil pieces. But let me know what you think!