Scootaloo and Applebloom run a camp for foals that help them find their cms and their interests and Sweetie is working on her music career and stops by when she can and helps them fund it
from left to right
Red Delicious
Sheriff Silverstar x Big Mac
hes so energetic and puppy like , he idolizes his dad silver and loves old westerns , he can be a little pushy and over eager but he tries his best to real it in when he can
Adopted -Scootaloo x Applebloom
she s the designated leader type, she’s ambitious and ready to proof herself and all the different skills she’s has , she tries her best to lead but her ambition can sometimes lead her to leave her team behind but she genuinely cares about her friends
Spike x Rumble
shes super cool and calm with thick skin, she’s grown up surrounded by whispers and mean comments but had a supportive family to help her get through it but she’s still developed a reserved and closed off personality because of it