Original Description:
Printed and painted Autumn Blaze. Had a ton of fun with this one.Link to the first step of 3d sculpting her - https://www.deviantart.com/vylunex/art/Autumn-Blaze-Recreation-of-Shuxer-s-sculpture-1059385141Again (as stated in my zbrush post) I’m a big fan of Shuxer59 AND NCMares, so I had to recreate this beauty to 3d print for myself.Link to Shuxer59’s original clay sculpt, which was inspired by NCMares - https://www.deviantart.com/shuxer59/art/NCMares-Autumn-Blaze-kirin-by-Shuxer59-772687118Link to NCMares - www.deviantart.com/ncmares