This is Magmoor & Volvagia. They are the Inbreed Twin Offsprings of Garble & Smolder.
They were both hatched from the same egg, much to extreme surprise of their parents, since twins amongst Dragons is EXTREMLY! rare. And Twins of the opposite sex even more so.
Magmoor was named after the deepest of all Caverns in the entier Dragonlands. With said Caverns being the place for the hottest Lava Lakes in world. Cavers filled with very powerfull magma monsters that lives within the deepest depts of the world.
Volvagia was named after the most active & dangerous Volcano in the entier Dragonlands. A Volcano that is said to be the resting place of a dragon driven mad with dark rage. And with said Dragon’s rageful spirit, now said to be haunting said Volcano.
You are all free to use these OCs & their Backstory in anyway shape or form. No matter how touchy, taboo, explicit, grimdark, grotesque or whatever fetishy stuff the subject matter may be. For potential pictures & fanfics. (BUT!) You all take responsibility for what you do with these OCs. That’s not on me to do so, nor is it my job to do that, just so i am clear about this. I believe in the freedom of true fair use afterall.
Any questions you may have, please feel free to ask them & i will try my best to awnser them.