Original Description:
Fluttershy: Are… are you sure about this, Rainbow Dash?
Rainbow Dash: Of course! You’re gonna nail this solo!
Fluttershy: If you say so… um… it’s just…
Rainbow Dash: Oh, come on, Fluttershy. Why are you so nervous? It’s not like you haven’t been part of every Rainbooms show.
Fluttershy: I know. But the thought of being in the spotlight for a solo is… scary.
Rainbow Dash: It’s not like I’m asking you to walk on stage and do a juggling act.
Fluttershy: But I don’t know how to juggle.
Rainbow Dash: Exactly. And besides, me, Sunset, and the rest of us are up on stage with you. It’ll be awesome!
Fluttershy: You… you think so?
Rainbow Dash: I know so. And I know our fans will love it, too.
Fluttershy: Okay. Thanks, Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash: Any time.