Original Description:
Food n’ FashionOne of my favorite things about this fandom is when people take completely unrelated characters and make them either related or part of a couple! In the case of these three, I see them as siblings. Prim Hemline being the youngest, then Hoity Toity, then Zesty Gourmand as the oldest, jaded sibling.Prim and Zesty made their big breaks in Manehattan while Hoity Toity left for Canterlot. All three are quite the elitists but Zesty has a bit of a complex. She is the only unicorn in her family and after spending time amongst Manehattan elites, most of whom ARE unicorns, she let it get to her head. Over time, she saw herself as better than her siblings so she distanced herself from them until neither Prim nor Hoity speak to her (or invite her to family gatherings).Oh, they also have donkey blood in their heritage, too! I loved seeing Lopoddity make Hoity & Zesty have that so there’s yet another reason Zesty sees to justify her leaving. But Hoity and Prim, while extremely hurt by their sister’s viewpoints, don’t let it spoil their own lives and passions.Then Zesty meets Chancellor Neighsay… heaven knows how that will go.