“I mean, technically, shouldn’t I be a prince too?”
Name: Nimble Nectarine
Nickname(s): Gnat, Nimble, Nimb, Little Prince (Fluttershy)
Parents: Big Macintosh and Fluttershy (Separated, Former Co-Parenting Relationship)
Build: Tall and Lanky
Special Talent: Undiscovered
Occupation: Unemployed
Pronouns: He/Him
Nimble Nectarine was born while Fluttershy was in her late teens (like 18-19), and Big Mac was about twenty. Neither were prepared to be parents but bunkered down and raised Nimble to the best of their ability. Fluttershy quickly became a helicopter parent and Big Mac was done. He didn’t want to stick in the relationship for Fluttershy, but he had tried to continue for Nimble. But, as the years of co-parenting went on Big Mac’s relationship with his son and with his ex-girlfriend diminished and kept diminishing. He loves Nimble but can’t help but think that his ex created a monster of a spoiled brat.
Gnat full-heartedly is a brat, even in his adult life. He still believes that his father should “give” him a prince title… which Big Mac thought was a joke at first but it spiraled way out of control. Fluttershy coddles her son constantly and the damage has been done. She calls Gnat her, “little prince” because of his deep desire to be a royal… feeding into him more and more. She thinks that she isn’t hurting anypony but, Big Mac and Tempest disagree strongly. Plenty of fights between the three of them have occurred because of Fluttershy’s parenting methods towards Gnat. He adores his mother though, which makes a lot of sense considering their bond. He actually doesn’t mind Tempest all that much- but neither his father of step-mother particularly enjoy being around Gnat. Neither do any of his siblings.