: I-I didn’t mean to, Pinkie interrupted me during my spell!
: Yeah, good thing too! Looks like you made us all much closer friends!
: A little too close if ya ask me…
: Yeah, I don’t want to share a butt with the three of you!
: Oh come on Dashie, think of all the cool things we can do together now, like seeing a movie for the price of only one pony! There’s plenty of advantages to sharing a butt with your friends!
: Twilight, please tell me ya can fix this. I can’t really do much farm work stuck to you girls-
: And how am I supposed to fly like this?
: I-um…maybe? But it’ll take a while, so we’ll have to cooperate like this until I can separate us. It’ll take a week…maybe…
: A week!? Ugh…
: Well, looks like we’re butt buddies until then! Let’s go show the rest of our friends!
: …this is going to be a long week…