Name: Moonlight Melody (but just Moonlight is fine…)
Gender: Female
Species: “Fake alicorn”* (Unicorn dominant gene)
Age: ???? (Sometimes she acts like a 10 year old filly)
Sexuality: She’s not quite sure…
Mother: Sunshine Melody, Pegasus
Sunshine Melody by FuRi9N
-She can’t fly. This is because her wings are just a genetic mutation, they are small and can’t support her weight. She’s like a winged unicorn.
-She’s not very good at complex magic spells. However, she has a natural talent for transformation spells.
-Depending on her emotions, her eyes change shape and/or color. This happens due to her ability with transformation spells, but it is involuntary.
-She rarely gets mad, but if she’s totally pissed off, she might turn into a dragon involuntarily. If this happens, everyone around her is in extreme danger.
-The dragon incident has happened to her since she was a little filly. She cut herself by accident with a dragon scale and it reacted negatively in her body. After this happened, vegetables made her feel sick, so she had to eat animal meat without anypony knowing about it. She just hunts small rabbits because killing animals is really painful for her already. Also, when she’s hungry, her dragon fangs start to show up, so she has to eat as soon as possible.
-Sometimes she hides her wings with magic to look like a normal unicorn.
-She has A LOT of pets, but the one that follows her the most is a white female falcon called Akima. Moon found her wounded in the forest when she was a baby bird and took care of her.
-One day she divided her personality by accident, trying to eliminate all the bad things about her she didn’t like (cruelty, madness, rage, psychopathy…). This caused to create a new entity inside her with all of those characteristics she wanted to eliminate, whose name is Hyde (chosen by Moonlight, based on her favorite book). Now she constantly fights with her, trying to keep Hyde in control.
Here’s Hyde: [Ref Sheet] Hyde by FuRi9N
*Fake alicorn is a term that I invented for the alicorns that are not from the royalty and don’t have supreme power like the princesses. They are “alicorns” but it is just because of a genetic defect. When the dominant gene is unicorn, the wings this pony has have a high chance that they might not be useful because its body has not hollowed bones like pegasi, but it is able to use magic as a normal unicorn. When the dominant gene is pegasus, the wings are complete useful, but the horn has a high chance of being useless too. A “fake alicorn” with both useful members are extremely rare, but they’re not as big and powerful as the princesses and might have some difficulty using either the horn or the wings.