In addition to tackling some Equestria at War TF art in the show style, I wanted to also try doing so in the game’s style. However, those of you familiar with the mod know that there isn’t exactly an EaW style – at least, not a singular one.
The mod is everything that it is thanks to the dedication and hard work of numerous artists with equally numerous styles. And while there are so many I admire, from Fly Over to jijizi to kelKessel, I don’t think anyone’s work is as synonymous with the mod as MrScroup’s. To me, his art gives it an iconic look.
I took a piecemeal approach on drawing this one, using a lot of methods that were new to me, with varying degrees of success. Lots of pillaged art here. And it is a little weird, even more so than most of my already-weird art.
I just want to say in case this somehow finds its way to the artist I’m emulating here, I have nothing but love and respect for all that you do, and I hope I could do your style justice.