‘‘WHOA!WHOA! HEY!..there? How did you-? What are you doing in the princesses’s garden? Are you one of the new guards? Did Celestia send you? Is there something wrong? Is there a friendship problem? Or-or-or nonono does Celestia have another test? I’m not prepaaaared! *loud gasp*, IsCanterlotunderattack?!’’ *Hyperventilating*………….*deep nasal inhale*……*deep oral exhale*……. ‘‘Sorry, sorry. I’m just under a-LOT of stress lately.’’
‘‘Princess Cadance has gone all rampant yesterday, started to pair anypony, no, anything together and the princesses are having an emergency meeting tomorrow in the Crystal Empire. They want me to inventorize all the birth rates in Equestria and more hippographic data from the past 50 years and make a prediction for the coming birth rate spike. There is no single collection of all the data so I have to go through hunderds of books and reports andnothingmakessensebecauseeveryponyjustwriteswiththeirowsystemand-…Huughh!…yeahyeah, why am I topless. Look, I got cramped up in my study and the collar of my sweater felt like it was choking me so I just threw it off and ran outside to get some fresh air. I know it may look weird but I genuinely thought that I was alone………….Buuuuuuuuck, I really need some stress relief……….*💡*! Hey! ‘’Can’’ you read braille?’’