Well I know it’s been over a year, but it’s finally time to start up the next installment of “My Little Sister is a Dragon!” and here is the poster!
There are tons of new OCs visible on this poster, which I will go ahead and name right now: the little light green dragon in the front is Lily, the one Nighty and Butter are riding is her older brother Aster, the little red wyrm is their pet Pansy, the mother and father dragon off to the right side are their parents Azalea and Tigrinum, the blue one with glasses in the lower left is a video game developer named Myosoti, and the big red one in the center is Emperor Antirrhinum. All those other dragons in the background are just various citizens of Ester Dracos. You may have already noticed I use plant/flower names for all of the Eatern Drake characters. Most of them are pretty straight forward, but who here can figure out what Antirrhinum, Tigrinum and Myosoti mean? Enjoy! :3
Nightwatch and Buttercream come across a lost little dragon named Lily who claims to be from the land of Ester Dracos, where the serpentine Eastern Drakes live. They embark on an adventure to return Lily to her homeland and end up coming face to face with the powerful Emperor Antirrhinum, who may have knowledge about Buttercream’s species. While Nightwatch does some research, Buttercream ends up in a huge predicament that could endanger Ester Dracos and all the new friends she’s made!
Sound exciting already? I’m definitely pumped to write more for Nighty and Butter and I can’t wait to do Lily and Aster! You guys are gonna love Aster but I’ll explain why later. That research Nighty will be doing will definitely be important for a story down the road, but even bigger is jus what predicament does Butter get into? All will be told as the story unfolds!