“You and I are going to cuddle, good sir- and you ARE going to enjoy it.”
Hey everyone,
Seeing as people loved the last Alabaster Hush piece, I thought I’d put another one together for you all. Remember, this young mare’s not much taller than a regular adult mare, but she has a very slim build- which makes her look rather scrawny.
She’s another delicate bean, so while you won’t be wrestling with her; gentle cuddles, snuggles, and physical affection are the appropriate response to her presence- unless she is at work, of course.
As a mare that was born and raised in Trottingham, with wealthy parents, she has the equivalent of a refined British accent. She does have a good sense of humour and, (predictably,) has a love of tea- especially when served with biscuits, cookies, or cakes.
Anyway, I hope that you’re all doing alright, and that life isn’t beating you down too hard.