Since it’s something straight from a screencap and matching with the surroundings and show in general, they do “reasonably fit in the MLP universe”, and generally comply with #7 of “Da Rulez”, and all of them generally.
I always knew last year was the Chinese year of the rabbit, but that wasn’t my reason for doing this.
One day I was looking for something cute to draw for practice, and found that bunny and fell in love with it!
And generally bunnies are so cute, even more than ponies, and if you don’t agree you can fite me IRL! Obligatory disclaimer clarifying that I’m joking, because you never know who in the internet will take something seriously…
I like to imagine them just a bit smaller than ponies, but they can be any size that fits best the collab.
After many unsatisfactory attempts, I finally came up with whiskers I didn’t hate.
These are subtle, floating like Angel’s and others animals in MLP, unobstructive, and kinda look like cute face markinkgs, or maybe even a blush (I’ll tag both “whiskers” and “whisker markings” just in case).
Hidden in the SVG is one of the versions I attempted for the whiskers, in case you want to see what abomination crossed my mind…
Their Ears (and fluff)
I think I may have overdone it a little making Red fluffy in her ears and nothing else… I did Blue’s ears like that because I wanted them to look as similar to the reference as possible, and I did want to make them fluffy in other parts as well, but that would have taken time I didn’t have (I know the deadline isn’t that strict, but I want to bother Deribooru’s team as least as possible).
I know the eyes on the plushie are ellipses, but no matter what I tried, that didn’t look as good on them, and I’m not sure why. Is it because the plushie is in side view and my OCs are in front view? Is it because their face shape is too different?
Unimplemented stuff
One thing I do wish, is that I had more time to come up with better/cuter tails, and a way of aesthetically implementing green in the image in a way that symbolizes they are both shifting away from green.
I wanted fluffy bunny tails, but not just any, I wanted some that symbolized that shifting, if possible with their wavelength shifting as well, but with this lack of time I had to go with something more symbolic and less fluffy, and fortunately their cutie marks do work somewhat well as tails.
Another thing I might have added them with more time might have been their wings, maybe I’ll do that for next year if I don’t come up with a better idea.
More info about them (mainly an explanation of their personalities, and the reasonings for their design, and what they represent) here: >>3023433 >>3023433t