This is my version of Ira. Or Queen Ira in my case. The 2nd Born Foal of Rabia or Empress Rabia, and the Younger Twin Sister of King Sombra.
She has the shortes fuse to wwrath out of anypony or anybody for that matter in all of the world. And she prefers to negotiate by combat, rather than by talking things through.
She is just as powerfull as her Older Twin Brother, King Sombra. And just as Evil as him, but in different ways.
If i got to pic, her VA would be Georgina Leahy for her role as Stella Goetia from the animated cartoon show, Helluva Boss.
You are all free to use this version of Empress Rabia & this picture description of her, in anyway shape or form. No matter how touchy, taboo, explicit, grimdark, grotesque or whatever fetishy stuff the subject matter may be. For potential pictures & fanfics. (BUT!) You all take responsablility for what you do with this OCs. That’s not on me, nor is it my job to do, just so i am clear about this. I belive in the freedom of true fair use afterall.
I hope that you will all enjoy this version of her, i will be just as eager to read all of the comments on this one.