Original Description:
This is the second time I’m drawing fluttershy’s family, >> old one << here’s goes a very little bit of headcanon;Fluttershy is not only the oldest between the mane six but her parents are also the oldest ones between the parents. Thats why they are always referred as Mr, and Mrs Shy. mehTheir names are Florence Plumeshy or Floral for friends and family, and Sweet Shybreeze, always wrongfully called Skybreeze. (I just can’t name ponies I SORRY lol)Floral has unicorn blood while Sweet has earth pony blood, in both families these genetics skip a generation, meaning that Sweet and Floral’s parents were tall pegasi while they are avarege, their children Flutter and Zypher are tall again and their grandchildren will be avarege too.thats all lolI hate drawing Fluttershy and her father’s manes